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Model Instagram Kongsi Video Bahaya Diserang ‘Panic Attack’ Secara Tiba-Tiba

Ramai juga yang berkongsi pengalaman mereka diserang panic attack
14 May 2019, 10:19 AM

Seorang model, Kharina Kharuddin, telah berkongsikan videonya diserang ‘panic attack’ secara tiba-tiba, menerusi Instagramnya.

model instagram kongsi video bahaya diserang ‘panic attack’ secara tiba-tiba

Menurut Kharina, 21, ia adalah serangan yang paling teruk dalam hidupnya selama dia mengalami masalah ‘panic attack’ ini.


⚠️WARNING! VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!⚠️ No, this is NOT an act, this is REAL LIFE. This was me earlier having one of THE WORST panic attacks I’d ever had that happened to be caught on camera. Why I had this attack isn’t important so I’ll leave that bit out. I’m posting this not for attention or sympathy, but because I have been given this platform on instagram and would like to do some good with it. You guys see most of my life as rainbows and sunshine (cuz no one likes to post the bad parts anyways) , however this is my reality. Constantly having anxiety and being fine one minute, and like this the next. I try to post as much as I can about mental health to bring AWARENESS to it because it is REAL, and is not taught very well in Malaysia, however I have never been able to show you guys until now. I didn’t choose this, I do not want it, and it’s a horrible thing to be constantly fighting a battle no one knows about or sees that’s in your head 24/7 and constantly feeling like a crazy person. It burdens not only you, but the people around you & yet all you can do is apologize when you yourself don’t even want it which is one of the worst feelings ever. I’m very lucky to have a great support system around me that loves & takes good care of me in times like these, however not everyone is as lucky as I am... and so this post is to remind those who suffer from it that you ARE NOT ALONE, & to hopefully bring awareness to the people who don’t know/understand mental illnesses. If I can enlighten even 1 person by posting this, I’ll be happy and will feel like I have used this platform to do something useful & good instead of just for selfish nonsensical reasons. I may or may not delete this, but I just thought that after everything today, & the fact that someone had actually gotten this on camera, that it felt almost like it was my duty to do some good with it. I hope if someone you know has any form of mental health illness that you try your best to be patient with them time & time again which I know can be hard, but is sometimes the best or only thing you can do for that person... to just try your best to understand, and just BE THERE. ❤️❤️ #mentalhealthawareness

A post shared by Kharina K. (@kharina97) on

Video yang mendapat lebih 300 ribu tontonan itu turut mendapat perhatian orang ramai yang rata-ratanya turut berkongsi kisah mereka yang juga pernah diserang ‘panic attack’.

model instagram kongsi video bahaya diserang ‘panic attack’ secara tiba-tiba

model instagram kongsi video bahaya diserang ‘panic attack’ secara tiba-tiba

Menurut Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), simptom-simptom panic attack adalah seperti berikut:

  • Jantung berdebar
  • Berpeluh-peluh
  • Rasa gemetar
  • Sesak nafas
  • Rasa tersedak
  • Kesakitan atau ketidakselesaan pada dada
  • Mual
  • Merasa pening, tidak stabil, ringan, atau pengsan
  • Takut kehilangan kawalan atau "gila"
  • Takut mati

Antara cara pencegahan kepada terjadinya serangan seperti ini ialah:

  • Belajar untuk kawal rasa panic dan gemuruh
  • Elakkan dari merokok, mengambil alkohol dan kafien
  • Belajar mengawal pernafasan
  • Selalu bersenam
  • Dapatkan tidur yang mencukupi.
nak tahu apa haiwan buat bila tak ada orang lihat? kelakar weh !

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*Kami mempunyai hak untuk memadamkan komen yang menyentuh sensitiviti/tidak bersesuaian.




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