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Kerap Post Foto Anak, Netizen Mula Meluat Dengan Aliff Aziz

Rata-rata pengikut mula berasa kurang senang dengan tindakan Aliff
21 Jun 2019, 05:18 PM

Pelakon, Aliff Aziz dilihat sering memuatnaik foto anaknya dilaman Instagram.


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Foto menunjukkan anak lelakinya, Ayden Adrean ketika berada di Australia berserta kapsyen meluahkan rasa sayang.


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"And there's this boy. He actually stole my heart since the day his beautiful mummy gave birth to him.
"He calls me daddy. Through everything they may say about me.
"I'll give my life up for you buddy. Pray for daddy always sayang as daddy goes through this phase of being the best I can. 
"I love you both. Both of you. You know who you are,"

Terdahulu, Aliff Aziz telah berkongsi momen-momen indah bersama Bella ketika diawal perkahwinan mereka.


09.09.2016 One of the most magical days of my life where Allah blessed me with such an amazing woman to share my life with. Through all the years of happiness and sadness, ups and downs, she had been there for me. If i could turn back the hands of time, there are many things i would have done better and differently. I would have given my best that i could have ever gave. But this is an example of when you take Allah’s blessings for granted, time and again, when the time comes and He shows you what you brought upon yourself, then only you realize what you have done. And as human beings, myself included we turn to Allah when our world gets shaken and when we face trials and tribulations and when we lose some or all that we have. But this is a calling from Him for me to realize how far i have been from the right path. To @bellaastillah , you have always given your best since the day i met you for the first time. You have always been there for me at my highest and lowest phases in life. I pray to Allah you will always be blessed with great blessings for you are special. Thank you for giving birth to such an amazing handsome smart boy @aydenadrean17 sebagai tanda cinta kita. I need to amend my relationship with Allah. For He is the best of planners and the one that can turn hearts over. Saya harap awak sekeluarga selalu dirahmati dan dilindungi. I know this post will get different opinions but this is just words from my heart that i wanted to share. I may have not been the best for you before, but insyaallahuta’la if Allah wills for us to together again, may He wills for me to show the best husband and father in me that i could ever be. Jodoh pertemuan semua di tangan Allah. Whatever people may perceive or say, only you know me for who i am. Saya harap awak doakan saya seperti mana awak selalu dalam doa saya. Both you and Ayden. I may be perceived in many ways. But we are all human beings that will fault with our own choices in life. Saya hanya minta doa yang baik-baik sahaja dari semua. Semoga dengan doa baik itu, Allah limpahkan kebaikan untuk semua. Amin yra. ✨

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Menjengah ke ruang komen, rata-rata pengikut mula berasa kurang senang dengan tindakan Aliff yang seakan sedang memujuk Bella untuk kembali bersamanya.

Sumber: Gempak

nak tahu apa haiwan buat bila tak ada orang lihat? kelakar weh !

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*Kami mempunyai hak untuk memadamkan komen yang menyentuh sensitiviti/tidak bersesuaian.


